
63 Audio Reviews

18 w/ Responses


one of the most well delivered and cohesive battles to date. pigpen had a good first round but spent the first 7 bars of the second verse summarizing what nimbus said and i felt like that lost a lot of momentum.
in general Nimbus had a solid battle top to bottom with constant attacks. At the end of the day, win or lose it's good to see good battles. Props to both of you.


way to step up for sure. there's still a crap load of filler in this thing. more personals for qsik, better flow for glitch. i think qsik wasted 4 bars trying to mimic glitches voice. everyone can do that to anyone, and it only really works when people's flow is messed up, which glitch's isn't. i really would vote OT on this one.

but let's face it. the real winner is loser in this match because they won't have to face me.

Good battle!

It was refreshing to hear everything that was said. haha..
It's a tough one to call.
Guzzi: more complex rhyme schemes, more charisma, more natural.
Trol: more personal punches.

Trol fell off the beat a couple times and had some pretty unnatural plugs near the end that made it sound a little too manufactured. I'm nitpicking because it was a good battle, but when it's close, that's what it comes down to.

Gotta go with SteveGuzzi in one of the more competitive battles yet.

Self the Bluest

I read Hoteps review he left and considered what he said. I feel like I'm a pretty unbiased reviewer and I don't base things around stuff like "I just thought this guy was better." To me, Self won this battle and here's why. Showmanship goes to Hotep, hands down, and I'd even put that mark in his favor, along with complexity. But if you're going to extend verses out the way you did and throw that much echo on them in an audio battle, be prepared for people to say that they don't hit as hard, even if the lyrics are posted. YOU may know the lyrics, but you wrote them, so you can't expect others to understand when you add a heavily delayed echo and a background scream to a running line. You could do with some more gain to clarify your enunciation. Your sound quality may have lost you this battle.

In spite of this, I think it was a closer battle than the votes imply, and maybe that's what bothers Hotep. Other than the sound quality, I'd give rebuttals to Hotep and personal attacks to Self. The flows were apples and oranges, and both delivered well

I'm tired of people losing battles in this contest and then crying about it. Right now you've gotten 15 peoples opinion who may or may not be the best judges.
That's what you signed up for, deal with it.

highly entertaining.

enjoy it. this tournament ends for you next round.


i feel like I was always waiting for a payoff from Boss. He brought up some things that had a lot of potential to do damage, but he just set up the subjects and didn't follow up with the knockout punches.

after i read the reviews, Cynics first 4 bars made sense. At first I was thinking it was all completely irrelevant. When it comes to stuff like that, I'm thinking people should put it in the description so voters can consider it.

the punches were relatively close it came down to flow, wordplay, delivery and complexity for me, which all went to Cynic, in my opinion.

a very close battle.

This is another battle that is more than meets the eye. After digging around Mao's profile, I figured out that Nimbus was spinning titles of Mao's previous songs, but even though it rhymed, it didn't really hit hard, and I was confused by all the Mayo remarks, when I had always assumed Mao had more to do with Mao Zedong. Nonetheless, Nimbus ran with it well.

I think the punches were heavily in Mao's favor. In his first verse alone he commented on Nimbus quoting Poe and Weird tales, dragging him across the Mason Dixon, and running to Jersey and Nimbus spent his entire second verse defending himself against what Mao said without really retaliating with punches. (For example: when Mao attacked with plagiarism Nimbus responded with "i'm shouting my inspiration"..when Mao attacked with dragging across the line the rebuttal was "not in this lifetime" which is essentially just saying "no you wont"

Just doing the math of how many times Mao attacked multiple elements of Nimbus on a personal level compared to very general attacks by Nimbus, I have to go with MickeyMao in this battle. This is another circumstance that I'd rather listen to Nimbus' record, but this is a battle, and Mao was firing them off the whole time while Nimbus was on cruise control. Nimbus' delivery and complexity were superior by a decent amount, but I don't think it was so substantial that it made up for how many punches Mao through that were unreturned. Nimbus is a better rapper. Mao had a better battle.

MaoDaMighty responds:

Thanks for voting MadFLeX.

Another very close battle.

I had to listen to this one more than a few times before I formulated an opinion on it, and it really just depends on what you find important in battles.

The wordplay went easily to Pigpen. He took the Joe Frazier and spun smokin' joe around it, which is double appropriate since he's battling a dude already named Joe. The Ctrl Z line was the most clever spin of the battle, and in general, Pigpen was more personal.

That being said, I would rather listen to an album put out by JoeyKeys. I liked his flow better. But the punches didn't really hit as hard because the only thing really personal were the references to the AIM chats and the fact that he made 50 flash games is more of an accomplishment than an embarrasment. One observation I had that's neither good or bad was that Joey's second verse, I thought I was listening to Icon. You two have the same voice and the same flow.

pigpen: better wordplay, harder punches, more cohesive.
joey: more agressive,better delivery, more complex rhyme scheme

pigpen: better punches in this battle, but there's still room for improvement. i'm not a big believer in talking after your turn is over, but to each their own.

joey: most of it was pretty general and not directed at pigpen directly. Pigpen didn't claim to be street, and the AIM thing wasn't hard enough to return to twice.

from strictly this battle's perspective, i'd say pigpen edged it out.

PiGPEN responds:

>i'm not a big believer in talking after your turn is over, but to each their own.
It's the traditional thing to do in a battle.

Good battle.

Solid battle that requires some heavy thought. ILL's flow was more complex and he had decent punches, but the whole thing depended on having the lyrics posted, because I listened to this 3 times without them and I couldn't understand half of it. Once the lyrics were posted, it even swayed my entire impression of the battle.

In short: I vote HeisAlive without the posted lyrics, and ILL when they are posted. But that's the problem. This isn't a text battle, and being able to enunciate to make your punches work is important.

iLL: more personals, better wordplay, more charisma
HeisAlive: more aggressive, more understandable.

iLL: gotta enunciate when you speed up your tempo. i understand that lazy adds more swag, but it has to stay understandable.
HeisAlive: it's becoming predictable. The rhymes are more powerful than the message with a bunch of "fucking's" mixed in. No personals except using his name.

All in all, this was one of the better battles to date. Well done.

HeIsAlive responds:

Thanks FLeX, the first REAL review, with legit pro's and con's.

I feel like people are taking my line, "Everything that i say is personal, now watch me get up undearneath this mother fuckers cuticle", the wrong way. That whole line is a metaphor, it saddens me that no one knows what I am talking about right there...

Also, can you tell me when he is being "personal", because im not seeing one personal attack/punch towards me, not one...

Great review bro.

Former Flash Enthusiast/Current Battle Rapper



Bay Area, California

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