lol you goofy fuck.
whats with all this pent up agression? hehe
lol you goofy fuck.
whats with all this pent up agression? hehe
hahaha.....aww shit.
im just wondering...
how fucking stupid are people that review movies 2 years after they're made like "i can't believe you made this". i just had to get that dumb fuck off the front page. this shit is still funny, hella random.
hey, if it means that much to you that you use your little aliases to vote my shit down and yours up you can have it. that's pretty weak though. at least your boy Pootie tang is smart enough to know the Kings are gonna beat the honestly, your shit isn't bad. i thought it was pretty funny with the voice emulation.
Actually, I only have this one alias. The correct wording for what you should have said was "That you have your friends vote your shit down" but I haven't seen yours yet, but I bet its pretty good.
Spurgin, Martins and Madere. what a beautiful matrimony. this movie rocks donkey nuts.
i don't like you.
you piss me off. i spent 400 hours on shore acres only to submit it on the same day you brought out SBX:link vs whoever the hell he went against. for this i will never forgive you. but i AM a fair bitter asshole, and your shit rocks. you get a 10. i'll even vote you up.
Thanks for voting, MadFLeX!
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i will get daily feature someday. damn you.
lol shit
that was pretty tight. i dig your style.
i want to cry
i almost marked you down for the all your base, but then i realized you were making fun of j/k. dope movie, interesting and original. the graphics are all sprites and pictures, but you put it all together really well. i feel enlightened. maybe not. ask me later.
bro, that was nice. i dug the part where he was like....."well maybe it's you, mother fucker!" and throws the ball at the duck.....goodness. who needs situps when you can laugh. be cool, homeboy.
bro, your shit always cracks me up....haha...
Thanks for voting, MadFLeX!
Your vote was worth 6.18 votes. The more experience points you have, the more your vote is worth!
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 3.93
Former Flash Enthusiast/Current Battle Rapper
Bay Area, California
Joined on 2/1/01